
Welcome to my blog! This was made in the hope to opening people's eyes on how easy it is to make money on the internet. I hope you enjoy your stay and come back!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Another CPALead method

Ah, you are a internet user waiting for the right method to earn money online!
This A no-brainer how-to guide through the whole process of earnings
thousands of dollars with CPAlead. These methods might be
considered black-hat by some people... I wouldn't though... It's all
about Youtube marketing and viral social media marketing…
First of all what is CPA? To use CPA to earn money, you must first know what it is.
CPA stands for Costs Per Action, which means that companies and websites, such
as CPALead (we’ll get to that later) will pay you every time you put their
application on your website and your website visitor completes their survey or
does their action.
Huh? So?
So… you will put their application on your website, and you will attract visitors
who want to access your content, and they’ll do a survey in the process, earning
you $$$!!!
How do I do that?
Well that’s what this guide is about right? So let’s get started into the world of
mass-internet earning!
Signing up @ CPALead
First: Sign up at CPALead. This is the website that will be paying you.
Click that nice , big Get Started Now button.
Fill in your information, and do not worry, if you do not have a company name,
just make one up, and if you don’t have a website as of yet, make that up too!
Rule of thumb: If there’s anything you do not have, just make it up! =)
Now… I’ve signed up, what do I do?
Log in, and head to the Widget button. Press and create new widgets
wait until the next screen loads. Select “Digital Images” and then click “Webpage
containing Digital Images.
Now you will be brought to a page where you can customize your widget.
Customize it to your heart’s desire, except leave the access time and monetize
method untouched.
When you are finished, move on to the next page, and press generate code .
A text box should appear with code in it. Copy and paste that code and save it in a
Ok, I got my CPALead account, let’s make some $$!!!
Wait a second there, you need a website to put the content and widget on, so
let’s head over to the next section!
Getting a Website to put content on!
First, head over to Blogger.com.
Register for a blog, and make the name both “cool” and “general.”
Something like “The Awesome Lounge” would do good for any sort of content
you’re trying to promote.
Next, instead of the plain, old, boring, default blogger templates, I would suggest
you go to http://www.deluxetemplates.net/ and get a deluxe template.
Download the file, and read the Readme included with the template as to how to
upload it.
Next, we will be putting our Widget on our blog.
Go to your blog dashboard, and go to . Click and scroll
down until you see .
Add that gadget, and paste your previous CPALead code into the box and save.
As my final tip, go to Settings, and then Formatting, and change it so that it only
displays 1 post per page. We don’t want our guests to see ALL our content after
just one survey do we? ;).
Alright! You’re website is set up and now you’re ready to earn!
Now it’s time to promote.
My favourite and most fruitful way of promoting is on Youtube. There are
thousands of users on Youtube looking for free movies and software, so lets
exploit them shall we? Start posting a blog entry on new movie releases. You're
looking for new movies not all the outdated crap out there. For your visitors and
you don't want them leaving your site right away. You have to make them
COMPLETE THE SURVEY or take action on your offer. Add a poster picture for
better clicks. You'll have different youtube videos for every post you want to do
on your blog. So if you post about the movie 'Alice in Wonderland', make a
youtube video about watching 'Alice' online and have it link to your blog.
Uploading to YouTube is simple, it works as on pretty much all video websites.
Find a screenshot from the movie you'll be uploading a video about, try to find a
screenshot from an actual scene in the movie and place it near the center of the
video you'll be creating with Windows Movie Maker so that the youtube
thumbnail makes it look like the actual movie when someone is searching. Add
some crappy music to your video so that when they play it they'll feel like closing
it immediately. (Use this tip wisely on all your videos)
Your title should look something similar to this..
Watch<Insert Movie Title><Movie Year>Online Free, part 1/13, full length movie.
Doesn't have to be exactly the way I made it, you can change things around, as
long as you keep the words online, free, and movie in the title. Then enter you
blog post link in the 'more info. And your link will appear underneath each video.
Popular software also does well. For example Photoshop CS5 which has just been
released is very hot. Find the links from a Warez site and post them on your blog.
Make a video with the words “free, download, cracked, 100% works” and the
name of the software. Post the link to your blog in the description. Doing a 5
minute survey for $1000 software isn’t too bad now, is it ;) .
Help! My video is getting no views!
You can do one of many things. You can spam friend requests to people who
comment on random videos, because every friend acts like a subscriber.
Whenever you upload something, they’ll see it.
Another option is view exchange. I prefer Enhance Views. You can post your video
link and request views in exchange for credits. You can earn credits by watching
videos other people have posted. It’s quite simple actually, you can just leave it
on overnight watching videos, and by the morning you’ll have enough credits for
at least 2000 views.
Sign up : http://www.enhanceviews.net/rpage.php?spec=1935
In conclusion, CPAlead is a method that can get you real money with limitless
opportunities. The key to making money is imagination, think of content people
want badly, and use them for that.
Good luck and happy money making!

1 comment:

  1. Did you know that you can make cash by locking premium sections of your blog / site?
    Simply open an account on AdscendMedia and implement their content locking tool.
